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Associação Brasileira de Carbono

Brazilian Carbon Association

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About ABCarb

ABCarb is a non-profit association whose main purposes are:

  • Bring together professionals and students dedicated to activities related to carbon materials science and technology;
  • Stimulate scientific and technological research of carbon materials in all areas;
  • Promote the progress and diffusion of carbon materials science and technology.


Reminder: TLMC5

Reminder: TLMC5

Dear researchers, This is a reminder about the 5th Latin…

TLMC5 – Important dates

TLMC5 – Important dates

Dear researchers, The V Latin American Workshop on Carbon Materials…



Dear researchers, the 5th Latin American Carbon Materials Workshop (Taller…


Find out how ABCarb started.


Read ABCarb's bylaws (in Portuguese).


Meet the ABCarb board.

Brazilian Carbon Congress

The Brazilian Carbon Congress is a biennial event organized by volunteers from the carbon community. Check below where each event was held and download the proceedings available. See more details of each event in the ABCab History page!

  • 10th Brazilian Carbon Congress (Ilhéus – BA) [website] [PDF]
  • 9th Brazilian Carbon Congress (Virtual) [PDF]
  • 8th Brazilian Carbon Congress (São João del-Rei – MG) [PDF]
  • 7th Brazilian Carbon Congress (Campos do Jordão – SP) [PDF]
  • 6th Brazilian Carbon Congress (Vitória – ES) [PDF]
  • 5th Brazilian Carbon Congress (Rio de Janeiro – RJ)
  • 4th Brazilian Carbon Congress (Gramado – RS)
  • 3rd Brazilian Carbon Congress (Rio de Janeiro – RJ)
  • 2nd Brazilian Carbon Congress (Vitória – ES)
  • 1st Brazilian Carbon Congress (Piracicaba – SP)

Research Groups in Brazil

Check some of the research groups working with carbon in Brazil!


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